A Decentralized Application Framework

To Build Next-Generation Edge Enabled Applications.

What is

Accion Maze

Maze is a decentralized application development framework to build applications that leverage blockchain and decentralized databases without worrying about the underlying technology. It is a ready-to-use architectural framework bundled with various distributed application technologies that makes it simple to build secure, fault tolerant distributed applications.

How Does Maze Work

The framework makes blockchain and decentralized databases technologies easily accessible for anyone to get started on their development journey. Maze allows developers to deploy web applications that can use standard Javascript based web or mobile UI with backend APIs written in any language such as NodeJS, Groovy, Go or Python.



All Key Technologies Bundled at one Place: An integrated solution to build decentralized applications without having to learn the technologies and systems that provide for decentralized data management.

Minimal Technical Effort: Easily integrate and adopt blockchain based solutions in existing application ecosystem with minimal technical effort.

Easy Transformation of Web/Mobile Apps: Extend traditional web and mobile applications to a decentralized network of nodes that allow such applications to extend their scope to include a network of IoT sensors.



Maze Application Framework

A single interface with different blockchain and decentralized databases.

Key Features:

  • Easy to integrate REST API’s.
  • Simple interface to communicate with the database and blockchain.
  • Multiple database stores such as immutable, mutable and key value.
  • Peer to peer management.
  • Replication management.
  • Security and privacy.
  • Scalable as per requirement.
  • Microservices based architecture for next generation applications.
  • Easy to integrate with the legacy systems

Maze Nodes

A self standing node that can host decentralized applications built using the Maze Application Framework and that can be deployed on traditional web servers (or containers) or on a stand-alone Raspberry Pi based system.

Key Features:

  • Wifi Mesh where each node can be used as a Wifi connection
  • Decentralized Application Node which contains the Maze framework server
  • Decentralized Database Node which provides for storage of data generated locally as well as synchronized from other nodes in the network
  • Decentralized Data Synchronization is automated so the data at each node gets replicated to other nodes
  • Interface to Sensors that allow event based or polling based data collection and distribution


of Maze Framework

Accelerates Development

Maze is built to expedite implementation of decentralized applications that are not dependent on a single “hosted” server or cloud, but can be deployed as distributed applications across several “nodes”.

Easy to Customize and Secure

Decentralized applications can be used to handle use cases that either require a single application to be deployed to multiple nodes or locations, or multiple applications to share data securely with each other.

Designed for Seamless Integration

It manages everything from decentralized peer to peer management, data sharing, security and replication and shrinks the learning curve of decentralized application development to as minimal as possible.

Allows Applications to Scale Fast

Maze handles replication of data among the nodes of the distributed application, thereby ensuring that when nodes are connected, data automatically replicates to other nodes, allowing applications to share data easily.

Deployment at Any Location/IoT

Maze also provides support for deploying a Maze Node on either traditional servers hosted on the cloud, or on a low cost computing node based on the Raspberry Pi platform.

Power Blockchain Applications

The Maze decentralized compute architecture provides an ideal infrastructure to build blockchain nodes and store and transactions. It creates a reliable access and control of the network, storage and computation systems.

Designed for Developers

Maze framework is built by developers for developers. It aims to bring all the tools at one place and significantly reduce the effort and time to build decentralized applications. Maze is designed is address all the complex functionalities such as network management, data replication, fault-tolerance and edge computing so that developers can focus on things that matter the most - code performance and business logic.

Ready to kickstart development?

Get a step-by-step guidance with Maze tutorials and demo videos.

We would be happy to hear from you for feedback and code contributions.

Use Cases

Maze framework can be used in various applications.

Digital Supply Chain

Products may be sold through both, digital and physical points of sale. These are sourced and distributed through multiple digital channels and entities. Multiple entities collaborate with each other and need to share data selectively based on ever changing relationships between the entities. Such complexities cannot be supported in a centralized system where “standardization” is a mandatory part of efficient functioning of the supply chain.

A distributed supply chain solution built on Maze can be deployed at each node in the supply chain network, allowing custom applications that are purpose built for each point in the network, while allowing such nodes to share data with each other, thereby providing synchronization and analysis of demand and supply in a constantly evolving environment.

Digital Intellectual Property Rights Management

Managing intellectual property rights in such a complex network of producers and consumers cannot be managed in a traditional centralized IPR management platform.Each of these entities may require incentives and benefits from a sale, depending on various inter-entity agreements and rules that are not centrally controlled or governed by any single entity.

Maze allows such dynamic and decentralized platforms to be developed while maintaining the security and reliability of the data that is shared and transacted between them. A decentralized, blockchain based platform helps provide immutability to each entity’s claims. Once an asset is registered in any one node in the blockchain with proper attribution, it can be distributed to any other node in the network and used to track the asset through all the various intermediate entities that may be involved in the revenue generated by such an asset, while ensuring that the ownership of the IP rights are retained by the original artist or author.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT’s are the digital representation of physical objects which inject data in the network in a periodic manner. Managing this scale of information, giving every product and object a story of its own, requires a high-throughput tamper-resistant system that can also serve results quickly. IoT applications require localized decision making at each location, and selectively need to share data with other locations and nodes in the network. This makes IoT applications ideally suited for a decentralized application. Maze allows decentralized IoT application development with minimal effort, with development based on traditional application development technologies and deployable on both Raspberry Pi based decentralized nodes as well as on traditional cloud hosted nodes.

Maze allows decentralized IoT application development with minimal effort, with development based on traditional application development technologies and deployable on both Raspberry Pi based decentralized nodes as well as on traditional cloud hosted nodes.

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